United Church Men - UCCP 

United Church Men - UCCP 




History of the UCM 

THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED CHURCH MEN United Church of Christ in the Philippines

VISION: the UCM as a part of a responsible empowered self-reliant and caring community of Christian believers committed to the pursuit of a transformed men and society towards an abundant and meaningful life for all. Mission: the UCM commits itself to support the mission of establishing and uniting the community of the faith for the proclamation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ towards the transformation of both church and society.

On October 14, 1954 a memorandum coming from the office of the presiding Bishop Dr Enrique Sobrepena "Only recently, I installed the officers of a men's organization of the UCCP in Cabanatuan, in my message in connection with the installation, I stressed the need of organizing the men of our churches in such a manner to follow the pattern of the Presbyterian Men in the US.

With the launching of the men's club I named "United Church Men (UCM) of Cabanatuan I should like through you the organization in the larger churches and strategic centers of the United Church Men. We need to group our men together as an active unit in our church movement to promote Christian Activity, especially along the lines of moral and spiritual reclamation and rehabilitation"

It was not until 1960 when a national organization for laymen of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines was realized Judge Venacio Aldecoa Jr of Dumaguete City, one of the organizers and founders recounted the UCM had its beginnings in the summer of 1960 during the General Assembly of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines at Ellinwood- Malate Church Dr Marcelino T Viduya of North Luzon was the first National President. 🌿


The purpose of the United Church Men (UCM ) shall be to develop, promote and coordinate laymen's work of all United Church Men organizations in the Philippines for effective Christian witness in coordination and cooperation with various ministries of the Church.🌿


The UCM is part of a responsible, empowered, self-reliant and caring community of Christian believers committed to the pursuit of transformed men and society towards an abundant and meaningful life for all. 


The UCM commits itself to support the mission of establishing and uniting the community of faith for the proclamation of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ towards the transformation of both church and society.


1. To encourage UCM members to perform and assert their roles as spiritual leaders in the family, community and in the church; 

2. To encourage and establish the men of all local churches to organize the UCM; 

3. To educate and strengthen the UCM members; 

4. To coordinate and cooperate with other CROs in the work of the church, and, 

5. To create a comprehensive and workable program. 







Arise , arise united church men,

Arise to conquer and to win

Go forth, go forth proclaim

The gospel you have learned,

Bring people from the darkness to the light


On, on swell the chorus,

On, on the morning stars

Is shining brightly, o'er us while before us,

Our God the mighty power leads the way 

Fight on fight for freedom, justice and the right,

Be determined for the foe will never yield,

For the world is watching us,

Brother christian all are we,

Loyal followers of the Lord Jesus Christ...


Arise, arise united church men

Arise be ready to begin

Be brave, be bold and do your duty

Where' er you go, for loud and call

Is sounding forward march

(Repeat Chorus 2x .... Arise!!!)





In one God: Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, who provide order, purpose meaning and fulfillment to all creation;  

That Jesus Christ, who has born of Mary, God become human and is Sovereign Lord of life and history; That in the Holy Spirit, God is present in the world, empowering and guiding believers to understand and live out their faith in Jesus Christ.  


That persons are created in the image of God and destined to live in community with God, with other persons and with all creation. That, by disobedience, they have become sinful, but, by grace through faith, they are redeemed in Jesus Christ.


That the Church is the one body of Christ, the whole community of persons reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and entrusted with God’s ministry.  


That the Holy Bible is a faithful and inspired witness of God’s self-revelation in Jesus Christ and in history to illumine, guide, correct and edify believers in their faith and witness. 


God is at work, to make each person a new being in Christ, and the whole world, God’s kingdom in which love, justice and peace prevail.  

The Kingdom of God is present where faith in Jesus Christ is shared, where healing is given to the sick, where food is given to the hungry, where light is given to the blind, and where liberty is given to the captive and oppressed.


The resurrection of Jesus Christ has overcome the power of death, and gives assurance of life after death, and we look forward to His coming again in all fullness and glory to make all creation new and to gather all the faithful under God’s Kingdom. Amen.

Bro. Eleazar A. Eslao, LDC, NWMJ